Stingeing your way through university and complaining that the £1 drinks offers aren't available on the evening desired - it's a reality not poverty.
I had a rather rich step-father through adolescence, that was until the mother divorced the funding source and I unfortunately divorced the luxuries. Plus living alone doesn't support itself. All I have to show for those 10 wonderful years is a battered Miu Miu purse. No matching clutch or shopper, no Chanel pumps, no quilted Marc Jacobs, no drivers, no Mailbox lunches (irrelevant of funding, these were digested and excreted in years previous anyway) - they all vanished a long time ago to the world and wonders of eBay and/or a splintered bank. In all fairness what eighteen year old needs such extorniate luxeries, even Urban Outfitters and French Connection can rocket high when it comes to 'affordable'. Why not make use of our current possessions? Bring back that inner confidence we once fronted in our 90's Grunge era. Forget the expenses, M&S sushi selection elaborates in their quality as much as those bars in Knightsbridge, only for a tenth of the price.